Accessing and Analysis of Secondary Data Sources
This resource is from the Capacity Strengthening for Abortion Research in Nigeria (CSARN) project. The material was developed as teaching modules for project Fellows who are early-career abortion researchers in Nigeria.
This presentation covers how to identify, access, obtain, explore, and analyze data from selected secondary data sources. It includes some major databases for sourcing abortion-related secondary data including Guttmacher Institute’s, PMA, DHS, and MICS. The advantages and limitations of secondary data were discussed, and methods of obtaining secondary data were demonstrated to the participants. Fellows were divided into five groups in which they practicalized accessing and obtaining secondary data from the DHS database. They also explored the analysis of the data downloaded choosing a topic of interest and presenting preliminary findings during a plenary session.
Funmi OlaOlorun, Elizabeth Omoluabi, Akinrinola Bankole, Anne Taiwo, Yinka Adojutelegan
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